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This is the Miniature Schnauzer and Super Potency at Any Age
This is the Miniature Schnauzer and Super Potency at Any Age by Spirer, Louise Ziegler and Edwin Flatto, M.D. (respectively) T.F.H. Publications, 1963 and Instant Improvement Inc. 1991
|  | In the intro to Super Potency at Any Age, Robert Rosenblum M.D. praises the author for his “remarkable vitality, youthfulness and knowledge of genito-uninary function.” We are told: “In the penis there are two long, thin chambers filled with spongy tissue called the corpora cavernosa. They are normally empty and relatively dry."
Next Back to the top | An erection is brought about by blood that rushes in from the penile arteries, thereby engorging the erectile tissue and causing the penis to expand. As arterial inflow increases and venous outflow decreases, the penis at first becomes enlarged, and then fully rigid. This is brought about by reflex action stimulated by the brain through psychic stimulation and communicated through the central nervous system, or through tactile stimulation of sensory nerve endings of erogenous zones. Blood is trapped in the penile chambers by valves.” It is thus a boner is born.
Opposite: Get ready, get set, get potent!
Next Back to the top |  |  | Girls can increase their potency by resting on an inclined surface in their bathing suit. Next Back to the top | Be careful to grip the head firmly as the needle is driven forcefully into the penis' core. Next Back to the top |  |  | An improvement of the single-phase . Next Back to the top | The Uniflate 1000 Next Back to the top |  |  | Boners, of course can be used by Miniature Schnauzers, as breeders, although not all dogs get pregnant when they mate. In This is the Miniature Schnauzer, Louise Ziegler Spirer joins her husband in this dog-eared, and dog -chewed copy in advising that, “Some bitches, even though not pregnant, will exhibit symptoms of pregnancy, which can be misleading and disappointing, if you are hoping for a litter of pups. True pregnancy is unmistakable by around the fifth or sixth week, for the abdomen swells slightly, and the nipples become red and puffy.”
Next Back to the top | Bitches need potency, just like male dogs do, just like men do, just like women do. Miniature Schnauzer owners may be wondering once potency is achieved, how mating actually takes place. In the section titled “Mating the Schnauzer Bitch,” this is discussed extensively. Some owners like to drop their dog off at a kennel. Generally the dog is mated two or three times a day. If there is a problem, however, the owner may need to help: “If she refuses to permit copulation you will have to hold her up with your hand under her stomach. Once the two dogs are “tied,” then the stud will be gently turned, and the period of copulation will last from several minutes to several hours.”
Opposite: Stud service anyone?
Next Back to the top |  |  | This is the Miniature Schnauzer is a complete guide for the Schnauzer owner and is blessed with sections on puppyhood, diet, training, and grooming. All these activities, as well as breeding, are best done with a joy of life that Super Potency at Any Age is all about. With both these books in hand a body could not only enjoy a full, robust, and potent life, well into his 80’s, but do so with a Schnauzer in his 90’s-- in dog years, of course.
Opposite: Britches for bitches.
Next Back to the top | When your dog's been good, give him a meatball.
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